

Key Publications:  

Mott physics and topological phase transition in correlated Dirac fermions, S.L. Yu, X. C. Xie, and J.X. Li Physical Review Letters 107, 010401 (2011) 

Spin fluctuations, interband coupling, and unconventional pairing in iron-based Superconductors, Z.J.Yao, J.X.Li, and Z.D.Wang New Journal of Physics 11,025009 (2009) 

Quantum phase transition in Hall conductivity on an anisotropic Kagome lattice, S.L.Yu, J.X.Li and L.Shen Physical Review B 80, 193304 (2009) 

Checkerboard charge density wave and pseudogap of high-$T_c$ cuprate, J.X.Li, C.Q.Wu and D.H.Lee Physical Review B 74, 184515 (2006) 

Test for Pairing Symmetry Based on Spin Fluctuations in Organic Superconductors $\kapa$-(BEDT-TTF)$_{2}$X, J.X. Li Physical Review Letters 91, 037002 (2003)